Sunday, July 26, 2009

कलयुग के कौरव

Hillary Clinton said "This is the best time in history to be a woman".As an Indian I would rather think twice before making such a statement after what happened in Patna with a woman on thursday.Ignoble incidents like these portray our hypocritical nature where moral values are made only for women.They counterclaimed that public sentiments went against her since she was involved in flesh trade.What can you expect from a society which is ready to take action based upon their prejudices and have no respect for the humanity ? It is sad that now when action is needed against the evildoers, the state politicians are munching upon it and using it as a ladder for their aspirations. Not a single man had balls to call the police which was at a stone throw distance, instead they all enjoyed and acted like कौरव during the चीर-हरण and some even joined in heinous act.There was no Krishna to help her since it is kalyug.Police came but late and acted like like ध्रितराष्ट्र at the crime scene.Unless we start punishing such malefactors we cannot claim to be a gender-neutral society.My appeal to the news channels is, not to use this issue for increasing their target rating point(Trp) instead use it as an opportunity to create the awareness that every woman has a right to her self-respect and dignity which is irrespective of what trade she is into.Infact it is no body's business to take such action against any individual.The incident was simply inhumane.


  1. Very true anubhav, the incident took in patna was damn shame on this so called male lead society, on the humanity and also the kind of democracy we have,Indian society is really very hypocritical and becoz of this we always lag behind.and we all should understand the place of women and her respect in our society not in words or articles rather in real life also.

  2. The incident which took place in Patna is very shameful to humanity and is unpardonable.The culprits should be brought to book and the measures should be taken to prevent such incidents in future.We have to love and respect woman.We have to look to her not only for comfort, but for strength and inspiration and the doubling of our intellectual and moral powers.we should blot out from our mind any idea of superiority,because we have none.We must realise that the angel of the family is Woman.She is our mother, wife or sister.Woman is the caress of life, the soothing sweetness of affection shed over its toils, a reflection for the individual of the loving providence which watches over Humanity. In her there is treasure enough of consoling tenderness to allay every pain. Moreover for every one of us she is the creator of the future. The mother's first kiss teaches the child love,the first holy kiss of the woman he loves teaches man hope and faith in life.That love and faith creates in man,a desire for perfection and the power of reaching towards the successful future step by step.As Oscar Wilde pointed out "Woman was taken out of man; not out of his head to top him, nor out of his feet to be trampled underfoot; but out of his side to be equal to him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved"."RESPECT WOMAN,RESPECT HUMANITY"

  3. This article is unfortunately the reality of today's society. Even after the efforts of people like Raja Rammohan Roy and Swami Dayanand Saraswati to give the rights to the women in society and improve her status and respect yet the mindset of people haven't changed.Ya, its KALYUG and there was no Krishna to protect her.I am also a girl.People started showing concern towards our family since I have got one sister and no brother. Its true.... this is Kalyug !!

  4. I think this article instigated the feeling of many of my readers and I am happy to notice that something which was bubbling inside for a long time has finally come upon the surface.

  5. Indians r no doubt fairly literate compared to other developing countries of the world . We really fight for the equality of the womens & it plays a major role for the upliftment of the womens in the country we can see living examples like Kiran Bedi only INDIAN woman IPS OFFICER, , Shika Sharma former ceo of ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO LTD , Indira Nooyi Ceo of Pepsi Co Ltd_ _ _ etc previously there was sathi system, dowry system which literally ruined the life of the INDIAN womens & now it has been completely abolished.Our Mother country INDIA with it`s rich heritage & customs ,only country in the World to boast of it`s own with 22 national languages & 8 major religions & being the 2nd largest populated Country in the world is also a female gender.Though the country is developing in all angels still the mind (which is the ultimate power of the human forces)of some unscruplous people not changed that leads to screw the name of the nation & bring bad reputation as a whole .

  6. I agree with u rathis but as I have said earlier also that we certainly can not bask in the glory of all these things..It is time to eradicate these loopholes from our society.
