Friday, July 24, 2009

Fatal search of love

You cant be in love if you are not in love.It is fatal to attempt.There are a lot of people who fall in love for the wrong reasons and because of this, they can’t be in love. Being in love is a wonderful thing and some people just like the idea of it.But in order to be in love, you have to be in love with someone.And this is where the problem arises.Because some people love the idea of being in love so much, they end up falling in love with the person that is a little bit nice to them.They don’t take their time to know the person. And even if the person shows signs of hurting them in the future, they ignore the signs. They are more concerned about being with someone, than being with someone who really loves and cares about them.It takes a long time to know a really good person but it only takes a short time to know a bad person but still we persist with that person,how ironic isn't? A good person is there but you just don’t accept him because you are too busy looking everywhere else other than next to you."A bad person is at a far distance, all you have to do is look up and they will come over to you".A lot of time is spent and wasted looking for the right person and the right moment as if its a space shuttle launch looking for perfect weather conditions.I would like to sing few lines of a song in SRK's movie which says "Chahe jo tumhe pure dil se milta hai woh mushkil se" I stress upon those lines since I believe in the words of "Chetan bhagat" that "life is like a prepaid card with limited validity". So why spend it in looking for those who are hidden some where and why not show little bit faith in those who are with you all the time.It is just a matter of time :) once you have passed the obstacle the grass will be greener from where you will be walking with your loved one.


  1. Very well said. This article captures the essence of this eternal pursuit of happyness called LOVE. Some people are blessed by true love whereas others are not so fortunate enough. Quoting C.S. Lewis here, "Why love if losing hurts so much? We love to know that we are not alone." When we love someone, we don not see the consequences, the barriers, the external environment. It is just the 2 of them frozen in that moment of belonging. However, it is very vital as has been pointed out, to find the suitable match. By suitable match, i mean someone who doesnt love u for ur money, but who is always there by ur side facing all difficulties.
    "Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction."~~Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Godspeed.

  2. Khool writeup buddy, but if u ask for my suggestion; i would say, u have emphasised on more of time span thats very true u need enough time to know ur 'best buddy', but its not always a case, there is some thing called "first sight love" i think if u could have discussed about that part also, it would have been more interesting and seems to be more covered from all aspects of 'LOVE'.Its all not about only love, but a enough mature love, which should have four pillar in which any relationship sustain;
    2)UNDERSTANDING more over mutual.
    If one have all, can have a successful Relationship with perfect LOVE.

  3. very well said..these things will be included in the next article of mine on the same topic ;)

  4. Hey...that article is so perfect...Its awsome, True love is discussed above which is so very difficult to be put up in words, which u have done. Thats so true that we usually don't realise that our true love is besides us and we keep running after people who don't even care..
    So....guys nd he has rightly said...."har ghadi badal rahi hai zindagi.........aaj jo hai kal ho na ho", something like that. So, please find the true lovers nd ur life partner who may be just around u.

  5. Nice article, good job done Anubhav.Ya!! its true, many people try to love someone.These feelings come spontaneously from your heart.You don't have to take an initiative. But, most of us ignore the people around who care for us so much and give importance in our life to others whom we want to love.These lines of song are true" Chahe jo tumhein poore dil se; miltaa hai woh mushkil se". If these lines are well understood by each and every person then we can avoid hurting ourselves. I hope we will get good articles like this to read in the future also on this blog.
