Sunday, July 12, 2009

Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Life

Change is must. U are scared of your stinky a** that is why u wash it daily and put up new clothes. Same is wat u do with ur orkut accnt,u keep changin themes and captions etc.But u cnt chng the way it functions ,u cnt chng the way u scrap,u cnt tuch the way chat functions cos u r nt allowed to mess with them. Same is true with life u cnt mess with basic realities..u cn keep changin ur outluk ,ur luk..but u cnt chng the way ur emotions work,best u cn do is to be aware of them nd mannier times even awareness is enuff to be in control. When u are aware of how u will react to a particular situation u might avoid that situation so in a way u r managing ur emotions. Some one said it very rightly tat getting angry upon some is damn easy but to b angry with the right person at rite time for the rite reason at the rite place is difficult.Some one who is good at emotional intelligence is good enuff to be promoted in an organisation..person also must b doin good in personal life. So the zest lies in knowing ur emotions and acting in way tat u cn manage them wen the time comes.Smart is the one who knows to show them to the rite person at rite time at rite place and for a rite reason.

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