Friday, July 31, 2009

The day we stop lookin is the day we die

It really sounded funny to me when I read an article which claimed that scientists have found that human beings stop looking at pretty faces after they fall in love.Cos I beleive that the day we men stop looking ,is the day we die.I beg your pardon for stealing these famous quotes from an oscar winining movie "Scent of a Woman".Its a story of a retired army man played by Alpacino who lost his eyes and he likes nothing but to talk about woman.Relentless love for beauty kept him going despite of darkness.He portrayed the reality of men.I do not keep a cynical view over this cos I beleive that beauty needs admirers.More praise leads to more trials which ultimately results in more beauty...its a rewarding cycle.Driven by our unflinching passion to follow beauty we made Paris,the fashion capital of the world.It is not tough to visualise the after effects of our love for beauty.I was in blore for one year, a city blessed with lovely weather, M.G Road is a perfect place to watch guys and gals interacting and most of it happens with out any utterance of words..trend and fashion kept on changing with every visit.I remember my funniest friend Arpit ..he used to say "on an average a guy falls eight times in pure love".Its a vicious cycle, we keep begging for marriage and yet repent after it happens cos the very aspect of our existence starts vanishing ;)


  1. Well, what u're saying here is true dude, i agree with it. However, let's face it, this is not how things work out in real life coz like they say behind every successful man, there is 'a' woman & not many women :):):). You can admire all the beauty you want, but your gf is gonna unleash hell on you if you think of doing this in front of her. Pyar ka 5th side effect: as soon as you find a girl and fall in love, all the pretty faces start approaching you. They want to talk to you, want to take your phone no. etc.hehehe. And hey, let's be honest with ourselves, we don't wanna land up listenin to 'Nobody wanna see us together' by Akon, now do we. It's in the safest of interests for us guys, if u don't want to end up like Al Pacino with no eyes !!!!

  2. This article I wrote for guys who get calls from MUMBAI every evening and yet pretend to be single by memorizing names of gals from other batches.. he he he :)

  3. oooooohhh....frisky are we, let's do this again...Anyways, this topic brings to my mind a quote from one of my fav films, Into the Wild. It goes something like this, "I'm going to paraphrase Thoreau here... rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth."
