Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Spice up your life !!!

Infatuation towards my blog has made me a voracious reader.Steadfast response to views also adds up to my desire of putting better topics.In that noble pursuit I found a new subject for brainstorming. It always intrigues me when I see some people living a monotonous life,doing wateva system asks them to do.They live an uni-dimensional life even when they possess the same power as others who often deny and challenge the rules.Living a monotonous life and ending up being perfect in one aspect while neglecting all others completely, does not makes sense to me.It might be a debatable topic, being multi-dimensional Vs Uni-dimensional.But I beleive in spicing up the life, an idea which is substantiated by my firm faith in processing power of our brain.It is time to go over the board, an attempt to come out of our coziness is no harm.Plenty of things are available for inception.They can be clubbed together as re-creational activities.Reading can tang up your brain, trekking may help u in slicing out some weight, swimming may shape up your body.Adding spices and masalas to life is like managing your portfolio of stocks, here too, more is the diversity more is the promise of returns.

1 comment:

  1. I will remember this article coz I wrote it at around 3:30 which is devil's time .... hope not to get cursed ;)
