Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is it so hard to hold ?? ;)

The great R.K Laxman made one cartoon for TOI in which he wrote "I wonder how in a country like ours ground water level is so low" and he showed three people wetting a wall while answering nature's call. Litterring,wetting the public places, spitting on the roads and corners are very much a part of our Indian lifestyle. Desperate people took the initiative and came up with the innovative slogans like "Dekho Gadha **** raha hai" but may be they forgot to notice that this is India where we have more than 3000 languages and we are very literate.I suggest that Government of India should start thinking upon making use of this persevering habit of Indians and who knows IT might help the drought hit areas of the country but then they will have to promote IT by advertising and once we become aware of our contribution to the society we wont do it cos we do dont do anything for free. May be then we will behave ourself and learn to hold IT ;)


  1. hmm..anubhav my holding it do u mean it in the literal sense by catching it.Or do u mean restraining urself...if u restrain too long u just might have an infalted bladder.Anyways, all i can say is 'res ipsa loquitor' which is latin for 'the thing speaks for itself'....keep working buddy..

  2. May be u ll have ur answer wen u go outside India and see other ppl doin it inside their home and not scattering things on the road. They are also human beings and go through same kinda pain isn't it?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. INDIA The Land of Tiger, home of gr8 intellectuals & scholars , the land of YOGA & MATHEMATICS , roads with massive holes & bumps , inventions of d best gutkas & beedies r habits was there in the beginning , and still continuing now INDIA is adopting the western culture We don't know what the future holds , but please know, more than anything, we appreciate our place in history.

  5. Rathish I am agree with you :) we are a great land but we certainly can not bask in the glory of this fact. We must not inculcate these habits and should learn to respect our land.
